What is an Area of Concern?
In 1987, the joint U.S.-Canada Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement established the Area of Concern (AOC) program. This program, specific to the Great Lakes Region, defines AOCs as “geographic areas where significant impairment of beneficial uses has occurred as a result of human activities at the local level.”
The Maumee Area of Concern
The Maumee AOC designation listed 10 beneficial use impairments due in part to significant habitat alteration, industrial impacts, uncontrolled sewage overflows, and struggling wildlife in the greater Toledo and outlying areas. Watersheds included in this AOC are the lower Maumee River, Ottawa River, Swan Creek, Toussaint River, Crane Creek, and numerous smaller rivers and tributaries. The Maumee AOC is one of the largest AOCs across the Great Lakes.
Since its AOC designation, an active group of community members and representatives from local nonprofit organizations, businesses and government have worked to address the Maumee AOC’s designated BUIs. The Maumee RAP (Remedial Action Plan) Advisory Committee, MRAC, set up originally under TMACOG, was the group charged with developing a Remedial Action Plan. In 2015, this body was renamed and reorganized into the stand-alone Maumee AOC Advisory Committee (MAAC).
The MAAC Today
Today, the MAAC works as an advisory committee to Ohio EPA, identifying actions to improve fishable, swimmable and drinkable waters within the AOC. Among many responsibilities, MAAC members help to identify valuable restoration projects and recommend projects to agencies for funding. This ongoing collaboration of partners is supported by the MAAC’s facilitating organization, Partners for Clean Streams (PCS). PCS also organizes volunteers and secures other funding for programs that support active engagement with the community and advance water quality and habitat benefits in the AOC.
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Unless stated otherwise, all photos and graphics are provided by Partners for Clean Streams.