The Data Management and Delisting System (DMDS) was created by Partners for Clean Streams and the Ohio EPA for the purpose of optimal collaboration between partners and projects within the Maumee AOC and to focus work within the Area of Concern in those stream reaches that are most impaired.  This tool showcases conceptual, planning (needing funding), in progress (funded), completed, and ongoing projects.  It allows users to filter between specific watersheds, the type and/or status of the project, which Beneficial Use Impairment (BUI) each project is addressing, project endorsement, and data used. It shows the status of the progress towards removing BUIs within the AOC by meeting targets specific to the Areas of Concern in Ohio. Using the DMDS allows for better understanding of what is needed and what is being addressed throughout the AOC.  The DMDS is a one-stop-shop for monitoring progress in restoring fishable, swimmable, and drinkable waters.  Look for new improvements and more data in the DMDS within the next several months. The DMDS interactive webpage can be viewed by clicking on this link: